Professor Serkant Ali Çetin Elected Chairman CERN ATLAS TRT IB

Professor Serkant Ali Çetin, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Istinye University, has been elected Chairman of the "Transition Radiation Tracker Detector Institute Board (TRT IB)", a subsidiary of the ATLAS Experiment. ATLAS is one of CERN’s two largest experiments. This is the first time a researcher from Turkey has assumed the responsibility of chairing an institute board within ATLAS.

Experiments at CERN are conducted through international collaborations. The "Collaboration Board (CB)", which consists of team leaders of the experiment’s member institutes, facilitates high-level authorizations and responsibilities for these collaborations. As experiments expand, the sub-detector systems comprising them become sub-collaborations; the high-level authorizations and operations of these sub-collaborations are exercised by the "Institute Board (IB)", which is made up of representatives of the institutes involved in the sub-collaborations.

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