Elif Vardar Solak, has been accepted to the voluntary reviewer team of CEA Commission on English Language Program Accreditation

Elif Vardar Solak, Director of Istinye University Teaching and Learning Excellence Center, has been accepted to the voluntary reviewer team of CEA Commission on English Language Program Accreditation.

Within the scope of her voluntary work, which has been going on since June 2021, Elif Vardar Solak has been appointed as a leader reviewer in the USA in the 2022 Spring term. The Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA) is a specialized accrediting agency that focuses on post-secondary intensive English language programs and institutions. CEA’s purpose is to provide a systematic approach by which programs and institutions can demonstrate their compliance with accepted standards, pursue continuous improvement, and be recognized for doing so. CEA conducts accreditation activities in the U.S. and internationally.

CEA’s mission is to promote excellence in the field of English language teaching and administration, as well as to protect the interests of students, through accreditation of English language programs and institutions worldwide. CEA achieves its mission by advancing widely-held standards to foster continuous program development through a rigorous process of regular self-assessment and peer evaluation.
CEA was founded in 1999 by English language teaching and administration professionals, following a recommendation by a TESOL task force as a separate and independent non-profit accreditation agency. In September 2003, CEA was recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a national accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions. This recognition gave CEA the distinction of being the only specialized accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions in the U.S. Since 2005, the Commission expanded its mission to include the accreditation of English language programs and schools outside the U.S. CEA now accredits over 300 programs and institutions, each listed in the  https://cea-accredit.org/.