Considering the letter under the date of 04.09.2020 received from the Council Of Higher Education Presidency (YÖK) and the “Guide Book for New Normalization Process in Pandemic Period by YÖK” the decisions about “The University Education in Fall Semester in 2020-2021” made by our University Senate in the meeting dated 07.09.2020 are noted below.
Considering course and probable dynamics of the COVID-19 epidemic; adequacy of the existing programs, the number of students and the sheltering facilities at our University; the acquisitions of our University; transportability to our campuses in Istanbul; and the “New Normalization Process in Pandemic Period” published by YÖK; the general planning considering the wellbeing of students, academicians and administrative staff at our University is noted below:
a) For all of the programs as the courses in undergraduates and in the vocational schools (two-year degree), the education is going to be provided by distance learning method with digital means (online/synchronous) in accordance with the academic calendar declared. However, there are some exceptional courses which are not going to be provided by distance learning. They are; The Clinical Practices in 4th and 5th Grade in the Faculty of Medicine, The Practices in 4th Grade in Department of Midwifery and The Clinical Practices in 4th Grade in Department of Nursing in the Faculty of Health Sciences, “Clinical Practice” in 4th Grade in Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, “Clinical Practice” in 4th Grade in Department of Speech and Language Therapy, The Practices in 4th Grade in Department of Health Management in the Faculty of Economics Administrative and Social Sciences, all of the courses related Practice and Clinical Practice in all operative programs in the Vocational School and in the Vocational School of Health Services.
b) All selective courses of the graduates and of the vocational schools (two-year degree) are going to be provided by distance learning method with digital means. In addition, the student capacities for each of these courses are going to be limited.
c) For postgraduates, the theoretical courses are going to be provided by distance learning method with digital means. The practical studies and the studies related thesis are going to be conducted face to face for all of our Institutes.
d) Apart from the subjects mentioned above, different exceptional practices are going to be carried out according to the decisions made by related Faculty/Vocational School/Institute Administrative Unit about the ways and the methods to use in performing them.
e) All of the educational activities of foreign language education including Turkish/English Preparation Schools are going to be provided by distance learning method with digital means (online, synchronous) entirely.
f) The courses which are to be taught by digital means are going to be conducted synchronously (online, livestream) and in line with the timetable in the syllabuses which are announced to students by related units.
g) It is compulsory for all students to get their “HES” codes (the code related to travelling in pandemic period) and to submit them to the Directorate for Student Registration Affairs. Therefore, all the required action plans related to following our students’ having any risk of contamination can be prepared and performed.
h) It is compulsory for all of the international/foreign students registered at our University to abide by the rules set by Faculties, Vocational Schools, and Institutes. International students are going to attend their courses via distance learning system online (livestream) in cases the borders are sealed still or the flights are restricted still.
i) The social responsibility projects and the other activities conducted by the University with the joint owners are continuing unabatedly. Digital media and facilities are provided academic members, students’ clubs with allowing them to perform scientific, cultural, artistic activities, and social responsibility projects.
j) The continuation of the researches and the scientific projects done by the academic members is prioritized at our University. Regardless the situation about the pandemic the scientific researches and the projects at out University are continuing without interruption. It is going to be provided scientists with taking of the required precautions by the administers of the related units and so maintaining of these activities in their units. Our academic members are going to be able to carry out their academic studies in their offices, the research centres and the laboratories in the fall semester.
k) For any student included in the risk groups, her/his request for not to attend the courses/practices those require face to face communication is going to be evaluated by the University Senate under the condition that the student has committee report or a report signed by at least 3 doctors.
These decisions are made with unanimity.
All of the practices mentioned above are available to be reviewed by Istinye University Senate depending on the course of the epidemic, the recommendations and the decisions of YÖK, Ministry of Health and the other related institutions.
We wish meeting you face to face at our campuses soon,
Announced to dear students.