"23 April" Brings Joyful Colors to Istinye University

Istinye University celebrated the National Sovereignty and Children's Day on April 23rd with the event, an art exhibition: "Pictures from Our Children" This special day, which was gifted to our children by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, was celebrated with children at the ISU Valley Campus on the 100th anniversary of our Republic.

On Tuesday, April 25th, 2023, an exhibition was held consisting of pictures made by the children of the Istinye University community. Following the program and exhibition opening, origami, stone/top spinning painting, and even face painting workshops were also held.

The event concluded with a flag ceremony after a workshop called "Music and Tales with Tale Breakers," which was a musical storytelling activity by the "Masal Bozanlar" team that included Dr. Handan Belivermiş.